Women’s History Month: Jan 1987- The Californians, Children of the Adobes by Rev. Walter Colton:
“Monday, August 10, 1846: The fecundity of the Californians is remarkable and must be attributed in no small degree to the climate. It is no uncommon sight to find 14-18 children at the same table with the mother at their head. There is a lady of some note in Monterey, who is the mother of 22 living children.
The youngest at breast, and must soon, it is said, relinquish his place to a newcomer, who will, in all probability, be allowed only the same brevity of bliss.
There is a lady in the department below who has 28 children, all living, in fine health, and who may share the ‘envied kiss’ with others yet to come. What a family- what a wife- what a mother! I have more respect for the shadow of that woman than for the mincing being who raises a whole village if she has one child and then puts it to death with sugar-plums. A woman with one child is like a hen with one chicken; there is an eternal scratch about nothing.”
From the California Diary by Rev Walter Colton…this excerpt from the diary and picture of the children were a featured exhibit in the 1983 Monterey Adobe Tour.
An interesting excerpt from Walter Colton and a prime example of how far our society has come in the way women are treated and thought of. Posted in honor of Women’s History Month, March 2021.
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