37th Annual CHRISTMAS IN THE ADOBES – 2021
December 10 and 11, 2021

Hello from all of us here at Cooper-Molera! We’re getting prepared to deck the halls for Christmas in the Adobes – a beloved Monterey tradition.
Monterey State Historic Park Association (MSHPA) and California State Parks present the 37th Annual Christmas in the Adobes. Return to the days of 19th century Alta California during Monterey’s premier holiday event, Christmas in the Adobes. This early evening walking tour of Monterey’s historic adobes adorned in holiday décor surprises and delights visitors with welcoming, candle-lit luminarias leading the way to each building’s entrance.
Enjoy festive music and a variety of entertainment, as you explore over a dozen magical, historic adobes on the tour. Hear the stories of Monterey’s earliest buildings and savor the warm spirit of the community of this annual event that has become a family favorite during the holidays.
Volunteers at several sites offer information about the history of their building. Some adobes offer interactive fun. We recommend you dress for weather and bring a flashlight! Each year many event goers stay the weekend at a downtown hotel and attend both nights by purchasing a two-night pass so they can see every venue.
This charitable annual fundraiser for Monterey State Historic Park raises funds for the State Park’s educational history programs for elementary students, as well as for the restoration of the historic First Theatre. The State Parks buildings are joined by over a dozen community partner buildings – some of which are only open to the public during this event.


Christmas in the Adobes will take place on December 10th and 11th 2021, from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. We are recruiting volunteers for two shifts each evening, scheduled between 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Volunteers are needed to:
- Front Gate Greeter: Greet visitors at the front gate, and provide directions to the adobe entrance
- Front Door Greeter: Greet visitors, check tickets, (our downstairs rooms will be open), & answer questions before tour
- Float/Monitor: Provide event assistance to volunteers and staff during event.
- Docent: Provide 5-8 minute tours of the Cooper Molera Adobe for visiting groups.
*** You will not need to purchase tickets to the event if you are volunteering. You may not share the passes with family members or friends. We will also have light refreshments. We will update soon with more information about parking. Shift selection will be first come first serve. For additional information about Christmas in the Adobes, click here
Interested? please contact Dianna O’Briant, Museum Assistant at dobriant@savingplaces.org or call 831-223-0172 x7776.
(If you volunteer with CMA you do not need to purchase tickets)
Adult, Single Night Ticket: $25 ($20 before November 1)
Adult, Two-Night Gold Pass: $40
Youth (Age 6-17), Single Night: $2
Children under 5 are free
*Military & MSHPA member discounts not available online, please purchase your tickets at the Custom House Store or Pacific House Store to receive these discounts.
Ticket Holders who purchased their tickets online MUST check-in at one of the three will call locations the night of the event(s) to receive their wristband and Christmas in the Adobes map. Print at home Eventbrite tickets will NOT be honored at individual buildings.
Will Call Locations, Open beginning at 4:00 pm Friday & Saturday, December 10 & 11:
- Pacific House, 20 Custom House Plaza, Monterey (Will call, Eventbrite ticket check-in, in-person sales via Cash or Credit Card).
- Casa Gutierrez, 590 Calle Principal, Monterey (Will call, Eventbrite ticket check-in, in-person sales via Credit Card ONLY).
- Stevenson House, 30 Houston Street, Monterey (Will call, Eventbrite ticket check-in, in-person sales via Credit Card ONLY).
*** Eventbrite Tickets CANNOT be collected prior to the night of the event***
COVID-19 Guidelines & FAQ:
Will masks be required inside of the buildings?
Yes, each visitor when inside one of the historic buildings will be required to wear a mask. Masks will be made available at all three ticket areas for those who need one.
How many people will be let into a building at one time?
In order to provide for social distancing, the number of visitors admitted into a building at one time will be limited. Each building is different, so that number will vary slightly depending the building’s floor plan.
Will there be refreshments available this year at the adobes?
There will not be refreshments served at the adobes this year, with the exception of the Old Whaling Station Adobe, where their crowd-pleasing cookies are being planned to distributed on their back patio. We also encourage CITA participants to support Monterey’s local businesses and vibrant restaurant scene by dining at one of our town’s fantastic eateries on the night of the event.
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Please email us at info@mshpa.org
What’s the refund policy?
No refunds.
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
No, but ticket holders who purchased their tickets online with Eventbrite MUST come to one of the three Will Call locations on the night of the event(s) to check-in and receive their wristband and Christmas in the Adobes Map. Print at home Eventbrite tickets will NOT be honored at individual buildings.
Event Night Will Call Locations, Open beginning at 4:00 pm Friday and Saturday:
- Pacific House, 20 Custom House Plaza, Monterey (Will call, Eventbrite ticket check-in, in-person sales via Cas or Credit Card).
- Casa Gutierrez, 590 Calle Principal, Monterey (Will call, Eventbrite ticket check-in, in-person sales via Credit Card ONLY).
- Stevenson House, 30 Houston Street, Monterey (Will call, Eventbrite ticket check-in, in-person sales via Credit Card ONLY).
*** Eventbrite Tickets CANNOT be collected prior to the night of the event***